
Callum Keith Rennie
Callum Keith Rennie as Leoban Staffard

Name: Leoban Staffard
Callsign: {$callsign}
AKA: {$aka}
Age: {$age}
Branch: Navy
Faction: Military
Organization: {$organization}
Department: Engineering Department
Position: Engineer
Rank: Crewman
Ship: Hiri-Matu
Homeworld: Caprica
Actor: Callum Keith Rennie

OOC INFO unless told ICly.

Leo is known in the Cylon world as #2. He is not know as a Cylon on the ships as yet. (March 6, 2009).

He was brought in due to an explosion on the Hiri-matu and placed in the brig on (Feb 26, 2009). He claims he is innocent when speaking to Greje.

Not Guilty

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